Amplify Insights

Amplify ETFs - Blockchain Is Not Bitcoin

Written by Amplify ETFs | Nov 10, 2021 9:34:25 PM

Why that Matters to Investors

Everyone (of a certain age and above) remembers the wailing series of electronic burps and buzzes that signaled your dial-up connection coming to life. Today, the internet is as close as the phone in your pocket. We may be witnessing a
similar revolution today with blockchain, the technology that makes cryptocurrencies possible. But blockchain is far more than bitcoin – it is likely to totally transform how we make payments, transfer ownership of items, and verify the authenticity of transactions.

Dollars Don't Lie

Blockchain is simply an encrypted digital database shared by different parties in a distributed (decentralized) network. This may not sound that exciting, but the idea that digital records can be accurately and reliably maintained and updated has resulted in substantial investments by hundreds of companies in dozens of industries. For example:

Advantages of Blockchain Technology

It appears, the adoption of blockchain technology could disrupt many traditional business models by providing benefits such as:

- Greater transparency in record keeping with a single, trusted version of the truth

- Significant cost savings when sharing information between parties

- Operational efficiencies and increased opportunity for automation

- Enhanced security through use of decentralized, encrypted digital database



How Can Investors Participate in the Growth of this Promising Technology?

The adoption of blockchain is poised to increase significantly in the next five years and beyond. Given the number of leading companies already investing and utilizing this technology, it is clearly seen as a game-changer. One option for investors interested in blockchain is the Amplify Transformation Data Sharing ETF (Blok), an actively managed ETF compromised of companies involved in blockchain technology.