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Key Insights to Navigate the Fed's New Easing Cycle

After months of anticipation, the Federal Reserve has cut its benchmark interest rate by 50 basis points (0.50%). The move follows months of speculation and is likely to be followed by additional rate cuts in the coming months. Now that the guessing game of “Will the Fed Cut and by How Much” has ended — at least for now — investors are left wondering what it means for their portfolios and how to navigate the new environment. With that in mind, here are three insights to help investors in the months ahead:

Webinar Replay: BlackSwan Playbook— Defense (Risk Mitigation) + Offense (Upside Potential)

Featuring Christian Magoon, Founder and CEO, Amplify ETFs and Dan Cupkovic, CFP, Partner, Cerity Parnters

Rate Cut: Historical Insights for Portfolio Positioning

Considerations for Portfolio Positioning Given the Fed is Signaling a Rate Cut.

The Federal Reserve has sent clear signals: The era of interest rate hikes begun in March 2022 is over and it’s time to start cutting rates. Investors are parsing through the Fed’s signals and economic data to see how much of a rate cut to expect at the next meeting.  Investors may want to consider if their portfolios are positioned for a new rate regime, or if adjustments should be made. 

Climate Capital: The Case for ESG Investing

In an era where climate change debates heat the political sphere, many savvy business owners and investors are turning their focus toward a cooler, more sustainable future.